Vegan Shrimp Scampi is Sensational with Rich Taste and Texture

Vegan shrimp scampi with vegan BeLeaf plant-based shrimp is virtually indistinguishable from real shrimp
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Vegan Shrimp Scampi is Sensational with Rich Taste and Texture

Difficulty: Intermediate Prep Time 15 mins Cook Time 10 mins Total Time 25 mins
Servings: 4


Adapted from Global Cookbook's Shrimp Scampi a la Pietro. (2022).

Vegan shrimp in a butter-rich, garlic, lemon and white wine sauce served with penne.



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  1. Remove thawed shrimp from refrigerator and set aside. Start boiling a pot of water.

  2. Prepare ingredients: chop fresh dill, fresh parsley, garlic cloves.

  3. Grate lemon zest and squeeze lemon juice.
  4. Cut 1/2 stick of vegan butter into segments.

  5. When pot is at a rolling boil, add 1 Tablespoon olive oil and begin cooking penne. Cook until penne is between al dente and tender (check package), then drain.

  6. In the meantime, in a large skillet over medium heat add olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic.

  7. When the garlic is golden, add butter. As soon as the butter is melted, add dill and wine.

  8. Add the thawed shrimp and simmer until heated.

  9. Combine the penne and the sauteed shrimp in a large bowl.

  10. Add the lemon zest, lemon juice, parsley and toss.


Serving suggestion: sprinkle grated Violife parmesan on top.

BeLeaf Vegan Shrimp is fully cooked. Take out the frozen shrimp the prior day and let thaw overnight in the refrigerator. Ingredients are Konjac powder, vegetable gum, vegetable food starch, paprika, brown sugar, sea salt, plant based vegan seasoning.

Keywords: vegan shrimp scampi

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